Monday, 11 May 2009

v interesting essay about the psychology of aesthetics, code and its relation to poetry. words in a poem form a code which the reader acts out (or computes) in different ways, pacing, volume, tone.

could definitely be related to dragulescu's work, what makes it aesthetically pleasing? does the title set up ' mental ideas' in our heads?

new work added to his site 'lexigraph' uses twitter to generate data.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Thursday, 7 May 2009

philip galanter essay
definition of generative art (p.4)
History of code - mondrian _ randomness _ conceptual art _ abstract art _ Modern art _ Sol leWit _ dali sculptures _ Warhol _ duchamp _ computer games and adopted by younger generations, taken out of labs, cad software, robot art, randomness and general history of code (galanter)

Current concepts in code - Abject data _ archive _ database _ interface _ new media _ social aspects, 'ecology of code' _ visualising data/mapping _ focus on computation rather than interactivity _ data subjectivity (new way to analyse new media)

Books - digital art _ language of new media _ the anti sublime ideal in art _ code language of our time _ fibrecuture essay _ more online essays on blog _ olsen (2006)??

'Dumpster' Golan Levin

data in an unusual form _ narrative _ portraiture _ informative _ interactive _ exploratory feel to work _ interface _ social data

previous work - telesymphony, audiovisual entertainment suite, remark - image and sound, interactivity

'Spam plants' Alex Dragelescu

organic _ physicality _ sculpture _ 3d looking _ randomness _ abstract _ meaning arises from the relationship between the spam emails and the final outcome 'abject data'

previous work -

spam architecture _ blog bot (links to dumpster) _ animation _ top grossing movie of all time 1x1
have been collecting sources, references, quotes etc.. there is now a massive pile of books relating to code on my bedside table. after watching the class presentations i have discovered a few new ways of looking at code, hopefully they can be incorporated into my own research.